The Shoemoney Affiliate Summit West Contest!

They say procrastination is like masturbation – you’re screwing yourself. So I know this is very last minute, but hopefully not too late.

So here’s the deal, I’ve been following Shoemoney’s blog for a while now. I like his style and approach. I think the big part of my keeping up with the blog is that I can relate on certain levels to his story. I went though the shoemoney system and I watched the interview he recorded, you gotta see it – especially now, I think the whole thing is priced at $177! (In the morning there was less than 100 copies left)

He now has a contest where one lucky winner will win an ALL expenses paid trip to the Affiliate Summit AND get to hang out with Shoe! Yup.. the guy with the $132,994.97 AdSense check! It’s going to be one crazy trip!!

It still seems so unreal going from making a couple bucks with AdSense to that huge check. And now, that’s just one small part of everything he’s built around the Shoemoney brand. It’s truly inspiring.

Most of us are quite familiar with Shoemoney’s accomplishments so let’s skip ahead to: Why me?

I think wining this contest would be a SUPER AWESOME EXPERIENCE! Are you kidding me? Affiliate Summit West with Shoemoney!?

I probably couldn’t name all the things I would take away from this and the benefits of attending – It would simply be life changing – and that’s exactly what I need. I’m not a total noob by any means, I’ve made some money with AdSense, and even Amazon, I’ve created some pretty sweet videos and started my most successful website

However everything I’ve done is on a small scale – I’m ready to experience the Affiliate Summit and take my game to the next level! Who doesn’t want a six figure income? I couldn’t think of a better way to start off the new year!


Thanks for reading and I hope to be there at Affiliate Summit West!
-Norb from Charleston, South Carolina

Few more Reasons to WIN and MEET SHOE!

Shoemoney Adsense Check
#1. Who else has a AdSense check for over $130,000???

#2. The Experience, The People, The Event – with Shoe!

#3. For Myself – I want to learn, grow & succeed!

#4. No caption required 😉

#5. Yup he met Mark and worked on the advertising platform/consulting.


#6. Someone has a tattoo of the Shoemoney logo on their arm!

#7. Have you seen the shoemoney girls??

#8. Let’s make it happen for the THIRD TIME!

of couse there’s many more reasons…

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How to Launch a Website – FREE Video Training

I’ve created a 4 Video series explaining the steps of launching a rock solid website. This is a MUST WATCH free course BEFORE you hire a web designer.

Website Launch Plan



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ICANN Domain Name Suffix Expansion Ruling

You can now own any domain suffix available! I actually caught this on CNN earlier this morning. On a side note, I have to say I hate how they break some of the technical/internet news, because frankly, the “.com era” is not “over.” So, anyway, what’s the big deal?

Well, you can own any suffix like .yourname, .city, or .anyword that’s not currently in use! However, there’s a catch, you need cash, serious cash. The application fee is $185,000 with annual maintenance fee of $25,000. That’s quite a chunk of money!

Domain Suffix Bidding Wars

So, who’s most likely to buy? Brand name organizations will most likely be the first to make the purchase.  Some may go to the highest bidder in a private auction. Often times, these auctions end up resulting into a bidding war between two parties – that’s when the prices goes up quickly. This is no different than the recent domain name auction I participated in.  CNN’s example was a .apple suffix resulting in a bidding war between the apple agricultural industry and the Apple company (think iPhone). However, I wouldn’t be completely sure Apple corporation will choose to pursue the suffix, after all they’ve passed on domains like even though they own the trademark. Not to mention would the apple industry really need the .apple suffix?

Of course you can get creative, consider these valuable and usable examples: or, not to mention when you own the suffix you own all the possibilities:,, and so on. Clearly the Real Estate, Insurance, Mortgage, SEO, can be among some of the most profitable keywords and also be among the suffixes that sell far past the $185,000 because of their SEO value.

It’s simply too early right now to make major assumptions about SEO value of these suffixes. Currently only select TLD suffixes get the Google boost. When you search the web, how often do you come across a domain ending in something other than .com, .net, .org, or .into? I guess we’ll see what happens when some of these new suffixes are formed, until then my #1 rule for choosing domain names is still: buy the .com first!

Since I first heard this news on CNN, they actually happen to be a perfect example of an organization to that will purchase their suffix .CNN. How do I know this, well they already own thousands of domain names and .CNN is something they can actually use. In fact, besides the extensions purely for SEO, I can only see three letter suffixes being the most valuable, which immediately lead me to the next suffix – the .XXX.

The .XXX Domain Name Suffix

When my focus shifted to the .XXX suffix I wasn’t thinking of porn, I was actually thinking of how profitable that suffix could be. was foreclosed on and sold again for $11.5 million in 2010. So when I see the .XXX suffix I see money to be made. Sure, the application and first year’s fee’s will set you back $200,000, but you could easily auction off a single premium one word .XXX domain names and break even! I’m not going to list examples of the domains, but I’m sure you can come up with a couple on your own.

Furthermore, the .XXX suffix is a win-win for the internet. It can make the internet safer for the kids since search engines can easily block out ALL content coming from that suffix. Have you ever arrived at a porn site by accident? I remember having a project due in middle school about US presidents and needless to say, back then was everything but..


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Google Places Help – Claim Your Business Listing – Video Tutorial

Remember not so long ago everyone saying if your business is not on the web you’re missing out? Well, that’s more true now than ever before, but you’re REALLY missing out if you’re a local business owner and you haven’t claimed your Google local business listing yet!

If you haven’t heard of Google places yet then you must be living under a rock, but that’s ok, here’s what you need to know:
1. Its FREE!
2. It’s an EXTREMELY powerful marketing tool!

I know business owners who get more than 50% of their customers from their Google places listing, so what are you waiting on? Here’s how to claim your Google Places local business listing in just a few minutes:



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How I Spent a Few Thousand Dollars on My Perfect Domain Name

Domain Name Auction

What a weekend! I just spent a few thousand dollars on a premium domain name and I’m here to share the experience!

I know some of you may think that’s crazy, and I won’t blame you – after all it’s a big chunk of money, but unlike  spending money on Continue reading

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Domain Registry Of America SCAM – Don’t Get Fooled!

It’s hard to believe, but year after year, I still get these Domain Registry of America (DROA) letters in the mail regarding some of my domain names. I figured by now someone would have put a stop to this somehow! (Guess not..) So here’s the deal: this company sends out deceptive letters that look like an invoice asking you to renew your domain name. What do you do? Well if you don’t know any better, of course you don’t want to loose your domain name – so you might fall for it!

But wait! The truth is, through deception they just want you to authorize a transfer out of your current registrar into theirs! Not only that, but look at a copy of the letter below, $35 for one year!? Who are you kidding? Most people fall for scams because the price of the item is unbelievably low, but that’s not the case here – the price is more than 3 times what you might expect to pay at most registrars!

Domain Registry of America SCAM Letter

Bottom line is, stay clear of this company. Domain Registry of America is a bottom feeder, sending out these “fake” invoice looking letters only hoping to unfairly make profit by reaching those who are naive enough or simply not knowledgeable enough to realize what this is about. I hate to see people being taken advantage of by big companies like DROA as well as small local web design firms when it comes to domain names.

Companies like Domain Registry of America should not be allowed to continue such practices, but until that happens when you get one of these letters just tear it up and trash it. Make sure you always do a quick search on Google when you get letters such as this one – just to double check.

Don’t let your friends fall a victim to Domain Registry of America, Share this post.

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PowerBook G4 12″ Hard Drive Replacement Guide

PowerBook G4 12 inch Hard Drive ReplacementHey guys I know this is a little off topic, but considering I had to do a good bit of research to replace a hard drive in my own 12 inch PowerBook G4, I figured someone searching for this will find it quite useful. In my search for answers I came across some opposing views and conflicting information, so here’s what works:

My Powerbook G4 12 inch configuration:
1.5 Ghz, 512 Mb RAM, 60 GB Hard Drive

Original Hard Drive:
Hitachi Travelstar HTS541060G9AT00, 5400RPM, 60GB

New Hard Drive:
Samsung Spinpoint M5 HM160HC, 5400RPM, 160GB

The new hard drive worked with no problems, I picked Samsung over Western Digital. Your hard drive choices are somewhat limited since you have to get one with an ATA connector NOT SATA!

Reinstalling the OS:
Power up and pop in the Mac OS CD. Next turn off the computer. Press and hold the “C” key and power up again. Keep holding the “C” key until your mac boots up from the CD.

Now you can use the Disk Utility to partition and format the hard drive and then install the OS. I split my drive into ~70 and ~80 GB partitions.

Below is by far the best video walk though I found on youtube, along with a step by step image slideshow from Notice on my picture I have a piece of paper with a diagram of where some of the screws go – there’s plenty of them, make sure you don’t lose any!


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Facebook Page URL Video Tutorial

In today’s video tutorial I’m going to go over how to set your Facebook Page URL. Facebook Pages are a great way for businesses to connect with current and new clients – essentially its a free marketing tool.

To setup a short URL address directly to your Facebook Page you need to choose a Username. Usernames are unique and on a first come first serve basis – so don’t wait too long! The only requirement right now is that you need 25 fans, basically 25 people have to LIKE your Facebook page before you can choose a permanent  username.  Once you pick a username, the link to your page will appear like this: Here’s the video:


Few additional tips:

  • Keep the username SHORT
  • Keep it SIMPLE
  • Upper Case The First Letter Of Every Word
  • NO Hyp-hens!
  • Don’t stuff it with keywords for SEO
  • Don’t infringe on trademarks or you’ll lose the username.

Here’s the link to create your facebook username:

If you have any questions or comments about this tutorial please post below.

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How to Setup Domain Forwarding with Masking using GoDaddy Domain Manager

Domain forwarding is simply used to redirect visitors going from one domain to another domain name or website. It’s really easy to setup using Godaddy’s Domain Manager, just watch the video below.

There are many ways to use it, here’s a few:
– Forward all additional domains you purchased to your main site – don’t let them sit there parked with your registrar’s advertisements.
– Send visitors directly to a single page with a limited time offer, or pre-order form.
– Hide your affiliate link.


Can you share any helpful tips? Comment below.

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SEO Friendly Way to Copy and Paste Into WordPress

WordPress is so quick and easy to use that some users, without even realizing it, end up taking shortcuts which can end up hurting their search engine rankings! You don’t want to sacrifice the quality of your site by saving a few minutes of your time do you? Watch the video below for the SEO friendly way to copy and paste content from other websites or documents like Microsoft Word into your WordPress.


If you have any questions or comments make sure to post them below.

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